The HHGlobal Missions Internship

As God has called us to Run to the Battle this year, we are trying to do every thing we can to be obedient to that call. One of the things that has been born out of this command is the HHGlobal Missions Internship. This program allows for people who are already involved in ministry in the local church setting to see what service looks like on the mission field. We believe that God’s plan for this internship is to train up the next generation of missionaries by giving them hands on experience through an intense time of service.
This program allows interns to experience first hand what living on the mission field is like. Interns will be immersed in a new culture and language; they will be challenged to grow spiritually and learn total dependence on God; they will see the inner workings of a successful medical ministry, and directly participate in carrying out the vision to Bring Health, Hope and Healing to the people of the Third World.
The HHGlobal Missions Internship has 2 tracks: the Summer Internship which is geared toward university students who would like to participate in missions during their summer breaks from school, and a 6-month internship for those who are in the position to commit to a longer period of service, and may feel called into missions as a career path.
There are 3 main areas of concentration: medical, educational, and construction; each of which participate in the weekly hosting of short term teams in the summer season. If you are interested in applying for the Summer Program or the 6-month Internship please visit our Internship Page for more information and fill out the Volunteer Interest Form.