As it Should Be

We had our first team of the season this year, Life Church International from Atlanta, GA. What an incredible refreshment for us. They came with their hearts set to serve, full of energy and expectation. They helped us start new projects and finish the ones that have been hanging over our heads for the past month or so. They continued to demo the interior ceiling of the hospital, as we get ready to do a major overhaul on the electrical wiring. They also painted our storage container (the big gray box sitting on the property for over a year), and helped us perk up the dorm patio by painting the planter box and raw concrete columns.

We also welcomed Brandi Compton, a Texas born Registered Nurse who has been working in the Colorado Back Country for the past 4 years. Brandi has a heart for missions, and will be doing an internship here for the next 6 months. We are believing God will make her path clear before her, so that she may follow in His will for the rest of her life. What an awesome thing!

Dr. John and Anna Tucher have also been serving with us for the week in the outpatient clinic. Dilligently seeing patients as the demolition went on around them. We were so glad to host Dr. John for the second year in a row, and this year he brought his beautiful wife Anna with him.

Together the team went out to a small village named La Colorada and taught the kids some lessons on healthy eating and hygiene. We were also able to give each kid a new back pack filled with school supplies and a new pair of sandals, thanks to Clint Downing and Neighborhood Ministry, Inc. who collected and shipped 32 brand new backpacks fully stocked!

Then once we returned from the school the team broke ground on the new volunteer housing building, that will house up to 20 long term volunteers!

This week was such a demonstration of the Body of Christ at work. We have had people from all over the place: Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, even Canada and Korea! What an incredible blessing it has been to work with these great people, and we are all inspired to see what God does next. This week was a great example of how things should be around here, and around the world – Christians coming together, laying aside their personal lives, and instead living for the Kingdom.