They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water – Isaiah 49:10
In the Cuenca Cangrejal each local village is supported by their own spring fed water system that is located deep within the mountains. These water systems are built to last for 20 years and this year Rio Viejo’s system turned 21 years old. Due to it’s age, the system had become unreliable for not only the hospital, but the entire village of Rio Viejo. Through the agreement of the local water committee to provide workers, and a generous donation from iHeartChurch in West Virginia, we were able to build a brand new water system that supports the hospital and the entire community. This project expanded over four months and included changing more than 4 miles of tubes and the construction of a new holding tank. Each day the village would send a group of guys to work on the system. These men carried supplies to the work site, dug four miles of trenches to bury the tubes, and constructed a holding tank. The project was completed in July 2021 and we with the help of iheartchurch, City Hope Church, and Celebration church, prayed and dedicated the system to the Lord. We are thankful for the gift of water!